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· Experience of a disaster medical assistant team activation in the fire disaster at Jecheon sports complex building: limitation and
importance of rescue, Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2018;29(6): 585-594
· Incidence and echocardiographic patterns of cardiomyopathy in carbon monoxide-poisoned patients with elevated troponin I:
a prospective cohort study, 대한응급의학회, 2015
· Value of New Inflammatory Markers for Predicting Acute Complicated Appendicitis in Children: Delta Neutrophil Index, 대한응급의학회,

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· Heo, Ji Han, et al. “A simple scoring rule to predict survival to discharge after out of hospital cardiac arrest at the time of ED arrival.” The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 72 (2023): 151-157.
· Heo, Ji Han, et al. “Prediction of neurological outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors immediately after return of spontaneous circulation: ensemble technique with four machine learning models.” Journal of Korean medical science 36.28 (2021).
· Heo, Ji Han, et al. “Quantity of disc removal and radiological outcomes of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy.” Pain Physician 20.5 (2017): E737.

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· Predicting 30-day mortality of patients with pneumonia in an emergency department setting using machine-learning models. Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine. Sep 2020.
· Point-of-care ultrasound compression of the carotid artery for pulse determination in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. Jul 2022.
· Online learning versus hands-on learning of basic ocular ultrasound skills: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial. Medicina. Jul 2022. 

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